Centre-State Relations Case Study

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Trends in Centre-State Relations Till 1967, the centre-state relations by and large were smooth due to one-party rule at the Centre and in most of the states. In 1967 elections, the Congress Party was defeated in nine states and its position at the Centre became weak. This changed political scenario heralded a new era in the Centre-state relations. The non-Congress Governments in the states opposed the increasing centralization and intervention of the Central government. They raised the issue of state autonomy and demanded more powers and financial resources to the states. This caused tensions and conflicts in Centre-state relations. (Austin 1966) Tension Areas in Centre-State Relations The issues which created tensions and conflicts between the Centre and states are: 1. Mode…show more content…
In this direction, the following developments have taken place. Administrative Reforms Commission The Central government appointed a six-member Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) in 1966 under the chairmanship of Morarji Desai (followed by K Hanumanthayya) The important recommendations regarding Centre-state relations are: 1. Establishment of an Inter-state Council under Article 263of the Constitution. 2. Appointment of persons having long experience in public life and administration and non-partisan attitude as governors. 3. Delegation of powers to the maximum extent to the states. 4. Transferring of more financial resources to the states to reduce their dependency upon the centre. 5. Deployment of Central armed forces in the states on their request or otherwise. No action was taken by the Central government on the recommendations of the ARC. Sarkaria Commission In 1983, the Central government appointed a three-member Commission on Centre-state relations under the chairmanship of R S Sarkaria, a retired judge of the Supreme Court. The important recommendations regarding Centre-state relations

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