Causes Of Poverty In South Africa

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Introduction. South Africa is well known for its unpleasant background and history of apartheid system which deprived most of the citizens from reaching their fullest potential of human functioning. The country is now regarded as a developing state, as it is still recovering from colonial oppression and unjust practices among specific racial groups. Moreover, the country has retained its independence for more than two decades, and highly acclaimed itself as a democratic state. However, In the midst of political stability and strong economic growth, post-apartheid South Africa is still faced with the reality phenomenon of widespread poverty and growing inequality. These social issues have been evidently experienced hailing among the majority…show more content…
The legacy of apartheid has left hardships among many South African citizens who fall out of the minority race in the country. Consequently, Portgieter (1998; 65) mentions that the country experiences an escalating situation of mass poverty. This phenomenon has seen many South Africans, especially the vulnerable groups having to endure living under intimidating conditions that impede on their social functioning as well as their potential of reaching the full human capacity. Davids (2005;27) defines poverty as a multifaceted reality consisting of, inter alia, lack of power, income and resource to make choices and take advantage of opportunities. With Landman, J.P (2003; 1) further mentioning that there is a consensus amongst most economic and political analysts that approximately 40% of South Africans are living in poverty – with the poorest 15% in a desperate struggle to survive. As stated in the latter, it is evident that the country is still succumbed by this unpleasant social reality. However, for one to understand this social issue, it is necessary to consider a range of related indicators such as unemployment, health-care, housing, water and sanitation all the way to literacy and…show more content…
According to Portgieter (1998; 65) poverty has proved to have a profound influence on people’s health status because limited resources are available for nutrition and health care facilities. The causes of poor health for millions globally are rooted in political, social and economic injustices. For example, with the politics shenanigan acts of failing to cater for its people, while withholding resources that are pronounced basic for all. This compels vulnerable families in the country to adopt high-risky lifestyles that have negative implications on their emotional, interpersonal and physical needs. These risky behaviours are therefore adopted and embraced by individuals within the societies until they become normalized. Consequently, these acts become adopted as some form of coping mechanism for people’s social distresses. For example, drug use and alcohol abuse as well as unsafe sexual activities are the most alternatives for coping with poverty, which as a result they pose threats into individuals physical

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