What Was Franklin Roosevelt's Contribution To The Great Depression

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During the election campaign of 1932, Franklin Roosevelt proffered these uplifting words to all of the victims of the Great Depression, “I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a New Deal for the U.S people.” The American people voted for him on the premise that his presidency would be marked by unprecedented government assistance and intervention in their destitute lives, ravaged by the depression; and were right in assuming so. During his inaugural address on March 2 1933, he had stated: “First of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” vowing to act swiftly in the face of crisis, as he believed that the Great Depression was “no insolvable problem.” Without delay, Roosevelt embarked upon his principles of Relief, Recovery and Reform; all of which formed the basis of what was later known as: the New Deal. The extent to which the New Deal had contributed to the United State’s recovery is inevitably widely disputed. However; I am of the belief that although it was not a complete and utter success, the New Deal had allowed the U.S economy to at least endure the onslaught of the Depression until the outbreak of the Second World War, and thus can be considered to be a major turning point in U.S…show more content…
Relief was offered to minorities through agencies such as the Works Progress Administration and Civilian Corps, yet this aid was not substantial enough; as white supervisors (especially in the South) would refuse to hire any minorities outright, and the few that were hired lived in segregated camps commanded by white supervisors. It was not until the Second World War that the Fair Employment Practices Commission instituted millions of new jobs to minorities and explicitly prohibited discrimination in companies with government

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