Causes Of Bullying

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INTRODUCTION Bullying is a more and more common scholar harassment phenomenon. This aggressive behaviour attempt to produce damage or discomfort by one or several children to one or several of his companions. One of the main causes of bulling is aggression. Children become more and more aggressive and develop hostile feelings towards their mates when they are rise in aggressive families with several situations of conflict and scolding. The origins of this aggression are not only the family or social environment of the child, but it might be also his own individual development, since many children with psychological disorders, or disorders of development might turn them self-control and troubled. So many could be the causes of aggression in…show more content…
It purpose is to investigate whether it exist a correlation between two variables (bullying and aggressiveness) and to also find out their correlational degree, so that the affective factors of bullying can be identified with a more acquired precision to try to reduce aggressiveness related with bullying in primary education centres in which the research took place. LITERATURE REVIEW According to Tjavanga & Jotia (2012) the three types of bullying existing (physical, emotional and relational) have an underlying common factor: aggressiveness. In schools with a higher number of students take place a higher number of cases of bullying, meanwhile in smaller schools that is not that frequent (Caballo et al., 2011).…show more content…
Data has been collected by a 60 items Attitude Scales Survey to measure the intensity of students´ attitude towards bullying and aggressiveness. In order to rate the close-ended questions a Likert scale based on three emotional faces (smiley face, indifferent face and sad face) will be use. Here are some example of questions To ensure cooperation and to acknowledge children the purpose of our research a talk has been given to them, before start collecting data, about this phenomena and how important their collaboration will be in order to carry out the research. Data has been collected by a 60 items Attitude Scales Survey to measure the intensity of students´ attitude towards bullying and aggressiveness. In order to rate the close-ended questions a Likert scale based on three emotional faces (smiley face, indifferent face and sad face) used. Here are some examples of the statements in the survey:    In my class there are classmates that attack others without an apparently reason When I feel nervous I treat badly my

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