Personal Essay: My Father's Impact On My Identity

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My father also taught me that I am capable of doing anything that a man could do. Growing up, my dad would always tell people that my sisters and I were his “three boys”. Of course he was always kidding, but my father made sure that my sisters and I were fully equipped to do anything that a man could do. He taught us how to change our oil, breaks, and take car of our cars. He taught us how to hook up a trailer and drive with it. Coached us in basketball. Got us involved in physical labor such as farming, work on his construction sites, and stacking wood. He instilled in us that we are capable of doing anything we set our minds too, regardless of what others expect our gender to be able to do. This is something that has had a large impact on my identity today. It is one of the…show more content…
My dad always told me to “kick the tires,” meaning get to know the person that you are interested in. Make sure that they are equally yoked, that they support your dreams, are hardworking, loving, faithful, respectful, and honest. I specifically remember bringing home my first boyfriend, whom my father didn’t like. Although we dated for three years, this guy had always been wrong for me and I had been blind to it. It wasn’t until I learned he cheated on me that I was able to see all the flaws my father seen the whole time. Eventually my dad’s advice led me to dating my best guy friend, whom I will be marrying in 2019. My father also taught me the importance of distance in a relationship. He would always remind me that “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” However, it was not until my fiancé went away to the police academy did I learn just how powerful distance can be for a relationship. My father’s advice about dating led me to my future with my fiancé. Someone who is equally matched, respectful to my family, giving to others and everything that my father taught me I deserved in a

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