Case 5.07

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What are your concerns for Betsy as she presents to you today? As a whole, my concerns include her rapid physical and mental deterioration that left her incapacitated. Though she may have not voiced or expressed it outwardly, I cannot forsake the point that she had lost her mother and was moved into an unfamiliar facility that is surrounded by unfamiliar faces. What information is provided about Betsy that leads you to be concerned for her? This includes; • Not responding to her Alzheimer medications • Being confined to a wheelchair • Placed in a hospice care because of the severity of her dementia symptoms. • Having bedsores • Inability to take in food or fluid without assistance. • Her dysphagia • Her decrease responsiveness and recognition…show more content…
Alzheimer is a progressive, degenerative and fatal disease of the brain with death occurring approximately 4-20 years after being diagnosed (Lewis, S., & Dirksen, S. 2014). This article hinted that Betsy has Alzheimer and mentioned that Aricept and Namenda was prescribed for her Alzheimer symptoms. I am not convinced that everything that can be done to help stabilize Betsy’s condition was done or will be done. I feel this way because of; her diminishing physical, physiological, and psychological health, age, and lack of monetary resources. Though Medicare is great program for our seniors, it has many limitations that rules out other obtainable programs. As the nurse caring for Betsy, what assessments or nursing actions/interventions would you implement? The goal of Betsy’s intervention is to maintain her level of function for as long as possible. Assessment of her mental state is done daily to monitor for any changes. For her safety and health, Betsy should be in a safe environment where her personal care needs are met and her dignity maintained. Mental games and activities with familiar people should be implemented to keep her
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