Felony Charges

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The common law came about when, people from England came to the states and brought judges and others who took over territories. There was pretty much a list of rules or laws to follow and if you broke them then you served the consequences. There wasn’t any higher power until later years, just the people who stood up for rights. They fought for what was wrong and right as well as keeping track of their society. There are two types of charges and both have consequences some are major while others are minor. Felony charges are your major consequences, they range from rape, burglary, murder and many other major charges that you would receive over $1,000 fine or over a year in prison. A criminal charge is more minor and can be taken care of with…show more content…
For instance, it all could have started with the parents; maybe their child needed more attention at home or should have gone to see a doctor. Another thing would be the security at the school; with everything that happened at other colleges, they could have prevented by making sure they added extra features to prevent crimes in their school. People could have also paid attention to his moods and body language and seen that something was off to the point to ask questions. He made plans before committing the crime and said that he was “waiting to do this”, but there had to be signs of this before it happened and obviously no one seen them or wanted to pay attention. This is such a tragedy to all the families involved and this kind of issue has been happening more and more around the world. Maybe people need to pay more attention to them to find out what triggers them to do something so tragic. The laws that occurred were murder, trespassing, using a weapon improperly, and…show more content…
The people involved, were the parents and families of those who died during this, the ones wounded who have to carry on this tragedy the rest of their lives and the teachers who can’t find the words or emotions for what happened. The parents of the shooter are dealing with the apologies and caring for the people that got caught up in the situation. I will do the right thing as a business person because I will always want my customers to be safe as well as my business to thrive on knowing and understanding that things will be okay and to have my business stay successful. I will not have to worry about anything because I want to show people that there are still legit people and good businesses. The takeaways from the course are the laws and the details of each law; having them to learn has taught me about things in my own life that can get better with having the knowledge. There are the different ways to protect one’s self in a business as far as the sexual harassment, money laundering, and many other things that play into effect. There are so many rules and laws when owning a business with employees because; in recent years anything is
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