Pros And Cons Of Article 370

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Arguably the most controversial of all the provisions in the draft Constitution was Article 306A. This was one such provision which required the persuading ability of the man, who himself was not convinced with such a discriminatory provision in the text of the Constitution, to convince the Constituent Assembly to vote in favour of including Article 306A. When Gopalaswami Ayyangar found himself in the middle of the crisis with Sheikh Abdullah, it was Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel who convinced the Constituent Assembly to include Article 306A, where Sardar Patel, himself was against such inclusion. When finally the Constitution was adopted in 1950, this contentious provision was titled as a ‘temporary provision with respect to the State of Jammu & Kashmir’ under Article 370. Since then Article 370 has been highly criticised by the Indian citizenry. Recently this issue saw the light of day again when the political rumour said that Bhartiya Janta Party’s Prime Ministerial Candidate is of the opinion that Article 370 should be repealed. When this candidate was sworn in as the Prime Minister of India, the debate on Article 370 got kick-started all over again. The various so-called political thinkers and well wishers of the nation argue that this provision is not only discriminatory, but also gives leverage to…show more content…
The earliest of the texts on Kashmir speak of the reign being governed by dynasties of Hindu rulers until 1354 , when the Muslim rule began with Shah Mir ascending the throne under the name of Sultan Shamas-ud-din . Following this, the fate of Kashmir witnessed the Moughal rule, Afghan rule, Sikh rule and finally the Dogra rule. However, the most significant development that determined the present day status of Article 370 and State of Jammu & Kashmir took place in the Dogra period which began in 1846 and lasted till 1957

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