Book Of Song Analysis

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Ⅰ. Introduction Throughout history, many translators from home and abroad have dedicated to rendering The Book of Songs into different languages, presenting this oriental masterpiece to readers around the world for the appreciation of Chinese culture. 1.1 The Book of Songs The Book of Songs is the first recorded poetry anthology in China, enjoying high praises throughout history. It includes 305 poems from a wide range of sources with anonymous and unidentified authors, which date back to over 3,000 years ago. The Book of Songs was originally named Poems or Three Hundred Poems. But during the Qin Dynasty (221-206 B.C.), it was destroyed and later reappeared in the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-25 A.D.) in four versions: Lu’s Poems, Qi’s Poems,…show more content…
Ya, including Da Ya and Xiao Ya, is about political plaudits or satires of ancient kings and governors. Song is a hymnal to religious rites and sacrifices. The Book of Songs, as the first collection of poems, paves the way for the future development of Chinese poetry. Three artistic features (Fu, Bi, and Xing) are commonly seen in later poems. Besides, “humanity” and “ruling by etiquette” advocated by The Book of Songs constitute the core of Confucianism, exerting influence on people’s mentality subtly. So Confucius once said, “If you don’t learn the Poetry (The Book of Songs), you can never know how to speak”. (郝珊,2013:…show more content…
1.4 Cross-Cultural Communication and Translation “The differences between Western learning and Sinology pose barriers for mutual understanding and interpretation; besides, the cultural identity influences the communication at a deeper level.” (张巧临,2013: 37) Translation is not merely about the rendering of languages; it also serves as a carrier and an introduction of other and own cultures. Through translation, the cultural identity of the translator is also staged, more or less. Some traits demonstrated in the process of translation share similarities with other intercultural communication activities. So, according to Wang Yingpeng (2016), the cultural turn in translation studies and the translation turn in cultural studies both represent a tendency, a breakthrough, and a hot topic in present academia. Translation is an indispensable and inevitable part of the cross-cultural communication studies, and vise

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