How Does Rimbaud Institutionalize Religion

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William Blake and Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud were both opposed to some beliefs as espoused by the Judeo-Christian religion. Blake was opposed to institutionalized religion and restrictive morality however in his poem “Songs of Innocence,” he makes references to certain Christian beliefs that can be construed to mean that somehow he believed in divinity or supernatural power as contained in the bible. On the other hand, Rimbaud was considered a libertine and thus was opposed philosophically to religion however, in his poem “A Season in Hell” he equates his troubles and challenges to those of someone living in hell. This simply shows that through this piece, Rimbaud believed hell existed which technically means that he believed in supernatural power especially that of God and Satan. This research paper provides a thoughtful comparative analysis of spiritual power as a theme in both “Songs of Innocence” and “A Season in Hell”; and the relationship of the two poems to the Judeo-Christian mythology of creation. Comparative Analysis According to Judeo-Christian mythology of…show more content…
In fact, he claims that these beliefs form important facets of European modernity. Even those that did not share in the Judeo-Christian beliefs or ideals appreciated the existence of some form of supernatural power that control how people lived where good and evil were either rewarded or punished by these supernatural powers. This explains the reason why popular poets like William Blake and Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud decided to use supernatural themes to put across their messages in their poems. They knew that many people at the time believed in existence of a supernatural power and therefore any mention of such powers had the ability of attracting their audiences’

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