Birth Of Language

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After viewing the film, Birth of a Language I find written language significant. It allows the history of the progression to be understood by us hundreds of years later. English as we know it today experienced a complex history that was formed over hundreds of years and was a result of encountering multiple groups of people. These people either were regional and had different dialects or came from other parts of the world with a different language entirely. The written word has documented the development of English over time. The Celtics did not have prestige after interacting with others and a factor to this could be the lack of writing. Old English gains prestige when writing is present. When Christianity swept over England the written word…show more content…
The English language did develop with Norse influences, but the status of the language did not increase during this time. King Alfred is known for saving the English language by bring literature and writing back. With his big push for literacy and circulation of texts English was able to develop and be a prestigious language. With the written word a greater educated population is formed and new ideas in all aspects of life can arise. The written word was not as important when the French were in control of the country. English’s status fell to third after French and Latin. The French added thousands of new words to the English language being from the ruling class. Although with English written word English could have influenced French instead of the other way around. There is a pattern of English influencing others when it is written down compared to English resembling foreign languages when the written word is absent. There was great prosperity when the written word was around compared to when it was absent. English could not have developed into the language we have today without writing. Writing allowed for greater mastery of the language and technical rules that make up grammar in addition to helping it spread. The written word is a central part of English that grew and changed over time when it encountered…show more content…
It allows the history of the progression to be understood by us hundreds of years later. English as we know it today experienced a complex history that was formed over hundreds of years and was a result of encountering multiple groups of people. These people either were regional and had different dialects or came from other parts of the world with a different language entirely. The written word has documented the development of English over time. The Celtics did not have prestige after interacting with others and a factor to this could be the lack of writing. Old English gains prestige when writing is present. When Christianity swept over England the written word did as well. Christianity brought the written word in the form of the Bible and gospels. The scripts were written with pen using the Latin Alphabet. This was used to teach English and make it more assessable. With the written word English rose in prestige and developed. This technique allowed books to be made compared to carving into wood as they did before. Christianity spreading is so crucial, because Bede was able to write the history of English in Latin. The Anglo Saxon chronicle contains Beowulf, a great literary piece from the time written in Old English. Writing allowed for great literacy, by implementing the alphabet when writing in

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