Marijuana Should Be Legalized

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Marijuana Should Be Legalized Should Marijuana be legalized? That is the question, If you were to ask anyone, they would all have different opinions on the topic, Some might agree that it should be legalized, and Some might not agree at all the it should be legalized. Marijuana should be legalized because if it too were to be legalized the government could tax it and end up making a lot of money, also it has been proven to be very beneficial to and helpful to people with many disease as it has been proven to make the patients feel better, then if they were using the prescription medicines that could even kill the person if they take a lot of it over a long period of time, because of all the different types of chemicals in pills it wears…show more content…
Jeffrey Miron, visiting professor of economics at Harvard University”. Cannabis Indicia (Marijuana) has a long and distinguished history as a medicinal herb in fact the Chinese emperor Shen-nung become the first one to record the medical use of cannabis in the 2737 B.C. but many cultures have recognized their medicinal values of this plant. Among them are: India, Persia, Greece, Africa, Turkey and…show more content…
Of those arrested, 619,808 (over 88 percent) were charged with possession. Taxpayers spend a lot of money prosecuting individuals for marijuana violations about $7.5billion and & $10 billion dollars yearly. According to “This Is How Much Marijuana Prohibition Costs You, the Taxpayer” it states “With 757,969 individuals incarcerated for marijuana abuse, at $21,006 a pop, that is $15,921,896,814 to keep these individuals imprisoned for one year. At this rate, over the course of 36.8 months, $44,765,690,442 would have to be coughed up by the American taxpayer to clothe, shelter, offer medical, dental and psychiatric care, maintain, transport, and educate these individuals and maintain facilities for them to live
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