Benefits Of Self-Directed Learning

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Self-Directed Learning: Education on Demand In this essay I am going to explore the reasons why traditional school is obsolete, and present my argument why I think self-directed learning, also termed “unschooling” is better. This type of education is adaptable for the future and customizable to every child. Since every person learns differently self-directed learning is the most efficient way to meet every individual’s needs. In unschooling, creating an independent person with unique skills and abilities is the main focus, rather than a student who is molded to a conformist standard, as in traditional school. Finally, I am going to show why unschooling is advantageous, and will be more in demand as more and more parents break free from forced…show more content…
Most of all participants in the movement agrees that it is “Because it’s fun, it works, it’s easier than it used to be, and standard schools are increasingly toxic.” (The Alliance of Self-Directed Education). For one, it is the most natural and joyful form of education, unlike traditional school, because children are driving themselves to discover what they want. It’s typical that many families reap the benefit from homeschooled and self directed learning. One survey yielded all positive feedback with comments such as “The biggest benefits have been witnessing our daughters’ creativity blossom full force, their ability to think outside the box, their resourcefulness and their genuine desire to ask questions and learn as much as they can about the world around them.”(JUAL, Vol.7). There is already a lot of mounting evidence that SDE works in the sense that students are much more prepared for adult life than in traditional…show more content…
Why is it that kids are sent home with more homework that the work they’ve done in school, why they should be devoting that time to pursuing their own creative interests and free thinking sides? Schooling has become obsolete and more and more people are realizing that, ultimately pulling their children from schools. “Because of changes in the economy, Self-Directed Education is even more valuable today than in the past. We no longer need many people to do the kinds of tasks that our schools are designed to teach.” (Gray, 2017) For the movement to really gain traction and be just as widely accepted as traditional school some barriers will still need to be broken down. Kids will thrive in self directed learning but, “We need to let go of the idea of schooling”(McDonald) first for this to
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