The Importance Of Independent Learning

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Independent Learning is essential aspect which enables people to discover new ideas, knowledge and helps to boost a person’s imagination and creativity. As individuals can learn without the same level of support from teacher that usually get in school. The independent learning helps in self discovery Independent learning helps in self discovery. Self discovery is essential in student life particularly while pursuing higher education as it organized the students learning. It even helps students to set goals towards improvements that need to be made. Independent learning is not necessarily for students to work in his or her own at all times (The higher Education Academy, 2013). Thus the ideas of independent learning must be encouraged more in…show more content…
According to Haines (2015) creativity is the combining of two earlier not related ideas. As independence benefits for creativity teachers should not answer the questions of the students unless it needs. Teachers should not work for the student rather let student to do their own work. Thus they will feel empowered to find their own answers (Haines, 2015). The world is becoming more globally incorporated, complex and the information could reach everywhere effectively. Thus independent learner could challenge these complexity, could solve problems with creative solutions compare to dependent learner (Pink, 2005, Florida, 2002). Independent can able to connect with different knowledge across the world (Freedman, 2007). Thus those skills makes people creative mind and they can divergent their thinking into the realm of the real world (Bernstein, 1996). However, environment are one of the factors that influence the creativeness process, therefore educational psychologists and researcher gave suggestion that environment have ability to or destroy the creativeness of student. Thus independent learner could find their own suited environment and can boost its creativeness (Amabile,
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