Behavioural Dynamics Case Study

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Unit - 16: Behavioral Dynamics 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Objectives 16.3 Types of groups 16.4 Reasons for joining groups 16.5 Models of group development 16.6 External conditions imposed on the group 16.7 Factors affecting inter-group relations 16.8 Methods for managing inter-group relations 16.9 Summing Up 16.10 Model Examination Questions 16.11 Suggested Readings 16.1 INTRODUCTION: For the manager in an organization, the behavior and performance of group provides the primary mechanism for the attainment of organization goals. In order to provide for effective goal accomplishment, the manager must be familiar with: i) The process of influencing group behavior ii) The climate for maximum interaction and minimal conflict between…show more content…
The principal characteristics presented in this definition – goals, interaction and performance are crucial to the study of behavior in organizations. A group is a collection of individuals in which the existence of all (in their given relationships) is necessary to the satisfaction of certain individual needs to each. In order to satisfy certain needs relating to social interactions, employees may informally (or formally) join together to form various social, civic, or recreational groups within the organizations. Understanding inter-group relations is important for two reasons: i) it is through the interaction and performance of various groups that the goals and objectives of the organizations can be accomplished. It is therefore important for managers to develop an understanding of the major influence on inter-group behavior and to improve their skills in diagnosing and evaluating inter-group process. Second, the discussion of inter-group behavior will serve as a foundation for our discussion of the larger structure or design of the total organization. 16.2 OBJECTIVES: After the completion of this lesson, the students may be able…show more content…
SELF-ESTEEM: Groups can provide people with feelings of self-worth. This is, in order to convey status to those who are not included in the group, membership also generates the feelings of worth to the group members themselves. The self-esteem is bolstered when members are accepted by a highly valued group. Being assigned to a task force whose purpose is to review and make recommendations for the location of the company’s new corporate head quarters can fulfill one’s intrinsic needs for competence and growth. AFFILIATION: Groups can fulfill social needs. People enjoy the regular interaction that comes with group membership. For many people, these on-the-job interactions at work are the primary source through which they can fulfill the needs of affiliation. POWER: For individuals who desire to influence others, groups can offer power without a formal position of authority in the organization. As a group leader he or she may be able to make requests of group members and obtain compliance without any of the responsibilities that traditionally go either formal managerial position. GOAL

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