Essay On Self Efficacy

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2.1. Self-efficacy and its major aspects: Self-efficacy is defined as a person’s self-judgement of his/her capability of doing a given task to reach a certain level of attainment /achievement/performance (Bandura, 1997).The given task is either performed instantly or the performer has the liberty to go through a process of preparation (learning & practice) before the final performance. In either of these cases, the performer sets certain attitude (whether prepare well, be casual, just ignore etc.) towards the task which is based on his/her personal judgement of his capability (self-efficacy) of doing the task. According to theory and research (Bandura, 1995), self-efficacy makes a difference in how people feel, think to decide, and act towards a task. In terms of feeling, a low sense of self-efficacy for a particular task or thing in life is associated with helplessness leading to negative attitude to that task or learning the process…show more content…
2.3. Cognitive Aspect of Attitude: The cognitive component involves the beliefs, thoughts or viewpoints about the object of the attitude. Learners understand why a language skill is important for them and how it is important or how not. 2.4. Affective Aspect of Attitude: The affective component refers to the individual’s feelings and emotions towards an object, whether he/she corresponds to a language task in an emotional state of mind. This determines how a particular language aspect can be enhanced or affected in an emotional state of mind. 2.5. Behavioural Aspect of Attitude: The behavioural component involves the tendency to adopt particular behaviours towards learning. This is, in fact, the actual course of action that a learner takes towards a language task or the whole process of learning a language skill. With this, a learner either accepts or rejects or unwillingly takes up a language

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