Nestle Slim Milk Campaign Analysis

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4.3 Campaigns & Strategies: 4.3.1 NESTLÉ a+ Slim Milk Film - 2015 #GrowToday TVC- In this ad campaign they show cast a fit girl in tracks running around the city. Meanwhile she saw someone following her then she starts running at a greater speed leaving him/her behind. It again shows that the person following her seems to be less fit as compared to that girl as she/he stops while chasing her whereas the fit girl keeps on running by clearing all the obstacle. Then at the end it shows that the person following was the imagination of the girl stating don’t let your unfit past catchup. So by introducing this milk they want to show that this product has 15 times less fat than regular toned…show more content…
In this campaign of Nestle Slim Milk, the item was propelled with high nourishing and low calorie fixings subsequently speaking to the wellbeing cognizant target group. • The price is frequently a central variable for most purchasers which is the reason it is vital to distinguish your target group and make it affordable to…show more content…
• Distinguishing the right place to show the item is essential in its ascent in light of the fact that it addresses the topic of how accessible the item is to the target group. There are cartons of Nestle Slim Milk over all departmental, staple and general stores in level 1 and level 2 urban communities, particularly the IT hubs. • Once the item has been conceptualized, it is amazingly vital to make awareness for the item among the intended interest group and this is accomplished through promotional activities. In this campaign of Nestle Slim Milk, the crusade for youthful sound working experts started ahead of the launch appealing to numerous heath conscious societies. 4.3.2 New MILKMAID 50 sec-2015 #CreateSweetStories TVC - In these TVCs they show cast the fun of making desserts and sweets so easily with the help of Milkmaid. Even mother started acting like a kid during the preparation of the recipe. During the 50 sec they even tried to show the full recipe of one or the other dessert. They also states the milkmaid site for the

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