Barriers Of Reading Comprehension

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1. INTRODUCTION This section will introduce; the orientation of the study, the statement of the problem, research questions, significance of the study, limitation of the study as well as definitions of terms. 1.1 Background of the study First language is the most important tool for thinking, and communication as well as aspects of identity (Namibia, Ministry of Education and Culture [MBEC] 2009). Learners will become more fluent in the first language provided they have a high and good level of communication, as well as comprehending written texts. On the first language, (Namibia, Ministry of Education and Culture [MBEC] 2010) it is stated that “on the completion of the Upper Primary Phase; learners should show competence in reading texts about…show more content…
It can also help teachers to come up with appropriate teaching strategies that will help learners in reading comprehension. 1.3 Questions of the study 1. What reading barriers that prevent learners to read with understanding in Oshikwanyama in Grade 5 and comprehend the written text? 2. What kind of reading strategies do teachers use to teach reading comprehension skills in Oshikwanyama Language that may influence poor reading comprehension of the Grade 5 learners? 3. How can reading comprehension strategies be used to enhance the Grade 5 learners’ reading comprehension skills in Oshikwanyama Language? 1.4 Significance of the study As Namibia strives to achieve growth and development in economic, social and political sectors, it is imperative that learners who are the future generation must be prepared to take over the burden of continuous national development. Reading is one of the fundamental building blocks of learning and it enhance the learner’s chances of succeeding in school. In addition, teachers need to take learners through the whole process involving reading comprehension strategies by clearly explaining and showing them how different strategies take their roles in comprehension in an integrated…show more content…
Educational policy makers will be aware of the hindrances that prevent learners from reading with understanding, and could come up with possible solutions to the hindrances mentioned. Language teachers will learn the detected barriers that prevent the Grade 5 learners from reading with understanding in Oshikwanyama First Language and help learners that are struggling with reading comprehension. However, language learners will also benefit from the results of this study as they will have knowledge and skills on reading a certain text and understand it. Learners’ performance will also be improved as they will be able to answer questions in different subjects that require comprehension. 1.5 Limitation of the study Firstly, there will be the possibility that, teachers may not be willing to participate in the study, or they will not admit that their teaching strategies that they use when teaching reading comprehension have an influence on learners reading skills. Secondly, selected teachers may not give true information about the study. Thirdly during data collection, the researcher might not find a reading lesson and that will affect data collection process. Lastly, because this study will only going to investigate learners in one region, the result will not be generalised to the rest of Namibia. 1.6 Definition of terms In this

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