Banned Book Research Paper

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Every year many books get banned from schools, bookstores, and libraries in the Unite States. Banned Books Week is the community's annual celebration of the freedom to read. Since 1982 11,300 books have been challenged according to American Library Association (A.L.A). I don't agree with the banning of books because I strongly believe that it keeps many children, teenagers, and young adults from learning what can't be taught at home due to beliefs, values, or ignorance. One of the books that was challenged was "Daddy's Roommate", a children's book written by Michael Willhoite and published by Alyson Books. It was one of the first book to portray homosexuality in a positive way. The two men in the book do the same as heterosexual couple do; take care of the house, argue, and spend time with the boy. The A.L.A has list in #2 in the 1990-1999 list and the most challenged book in recent years. I appreciate the attempt (of this book) to end the cycle of hate depression which takes a heavy toll on our youth for having G.L.B.T (gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender) parents.…show more content…
The author who has had many of her books banned or challenged, has even been repeatedly disinvited from speaking events. One book in particular, Crank, a semi- biographical about Ms.Hopkins daughter's descent into drug use. The book has been banned in many locations due to complaints of the book's drug use, language, and sexual themes. Though, Hopkins has stated that she has based the book of real life addictions of her daughter to crystal meth and the book has been required reading in many drug programs, which I believe could be helpful, in some way, to others with the same

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