Aviation Regulatory Events

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Learning Outcome #3 Interpret the specific contextual elements that shaped key aviation regulatory events, such as passage of the 1938 Civil Aeronautics Act and the 1978 Airline Deregulation Act. Artifact The 1938 Civil Aeronautics Act was signed into law after major issues began to pile up sparking debate concerning safety, commercial transportation, and the shipment of cargo. A string of aircraft crashes resulting in the death of some prominent figures in the public eye drew attention to the safety of commercial flight. The Coach of Notre Dame, Knute Rockne died when a Transcontinental & Western Air Airliner crashed in Kansas in 1931. New Mexico Senator Bronson Cutting died while onboard a DC-2 that crashed while flying to Washington D.C.…show more content…
Walter Folger Brown served as the Postmaster General spanning the 1920’s and into the 1930’s. In his office, Brown favored utilizing the large airline companies for the delivery of airmail, cargo, and passengers as it was more profitable to hike up the fares charged to fly the mail, cargo and people around the country and overseas just the same. The smaller airlines routes were restricted to fly only within the respective states thus eliminating fair completion in the industry. Brown’s actions were brought to light by Senator Pat McCarran as he lobbied for airline regulation on the stance of safety and unfair practices in the air mail industry that was essentially stunting economic growth of this fairly new…show more content…
Artifact The Kelly act of 1925 provided a means for contracts from the postmaster general to airliners allowing them to carry airmail and passengers across the nation if airliners relied only passengers for income most airlines would go under within the first year. However, the Kelly act sanctioned these airliners to make their money through the post office transporting mail, this was the avenue the airlines used to boost their income to sustain operations ferrying this mail and passengers. 95% of the airliners income came from these contract alone while the rest came from passengers. https://postalmuseum.si.edu/exhibits/current/airmail-in-america/contract-airmail-service/index.html In 1926, the Air Commerce Act transitioned responsibility of commercial aviation to federal offices, and promoted air commerce, established new routes, updating navigation, and regulating safety processes. This paved the way for economic improvement propelling the industry with unlimited potential for the growth of aviation commerce.

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