Macbeth: Who Responsible For Banquo's Murder

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In Shakespeare's Play, Macbeth, Macbeth was a cruel man who used the act of murder to gain power. The killings weren’t just Macbeth’s fault, even though he committed some of them himself and is mostly responsible. In Banquo’s murder, the weird sisters, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and the two murderers were partly responsible for the murder but, they are guilty in different ways. The weird sisters were partly responsible for Banquo’s murder. The three witches are at fault for Banquo’s murder because they had told Macbeth that he was going to be king but anyone from Banquo’s bloodline will become king. Macbeth wanted to be King of Scotland and didn’t want a family to interfere with that. Banquo and Macbeth went together to the weird sisters where…show more content…
The murderers were two servants who were convinced by Macbeth to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. Even though they didn’t plan the murder himself, they cut his neck and stabbed him in the head several times. After the three murderers kill Banquo and attempt to kill Fleance, they told Macbeth, “...his throat is cut. That I did for him…./ Ay, my good lord. Safe in a ditch he bides,/With twenty trenchèd gashes on his head,/The least a death to nature” (III iv. 17, 27-29). Murderer one tells Macbeth that Banquo dead and buried in a ditch. The murderers telling proves that they were apart of killing Banquo, but Macbeth was the person to blame. They did have an equal amount of blame for Banquo being killed but it wasn’t their plan to kill Banquo, they just agreed to kill. Even though it wasn’t their idea, they still agreed and killed a man because they had thought that Banquo had wronged…show more content…
Lady Macbeth contributed to the killing because she convinced Macbeth to kill Duncan which caused Macbeth to become evil and power hungary. Lady Macbeth had talked Macbeth into saying, “‘Your hand, your tongue. Look like th' innocent flower,/ But be the serpent under ’t.’” (I v. 56 & 57) Lady Macbeth is giving Macbeth the idea of being innocent on the outside but really be evil on the inside. Lady Macbeth’s comment made Macbeth turn into a killer. Another time she pressured Macbeth was before Macbeth decided to kill Duncan, Lady Macbeth had asked him, “‘As thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that/ Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life,/ And live a coward in thine own esteem,/ Letting “I dare not” wait upon “I would, ”/Like the poor cat i' th' adage?’” (I vii. 41-45). Lady Macbeth was pressuring Macbeth to kill King Duncan causing him to think that if he doesn’t kill him then he would be considered a coward. Lady Macbeth pressuring made Macbeth kill Duncan which made Banquo’s murder easier for him and turned him cruel. Lady Macbeth had a small amount of blame for this specific murder compared to Macbeth because she didn’t contribute to the planning of the murder and didn’t want Macbeth to do it. But, she was responsible for Macbeth’s ruthless

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