Authentic Material In English Language Learning

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Nowadays, the purpose of English language learning is that the learners can make use of the target language in the real world situation rather than in the classroom performance. Under this growing demand for successful communication, Ur (2012) claims that the main goal of listening is having students familiarize themselves with natural listening that they are most likely to happen in their real life. Hence, if the learners are familiar with the formal and artificial material, they are unlikely to meet this goal. As Rivers (1981) claims: All material used for listening comprehension, even in the earliest lessons, should be authentic, that is, it should consist of utterance with a high probability of occurrence. Teaching students to comprehend…show more content…
For Berardo (2006), authentic materials give students experience to use language in the real world situation leading to raise students’ motivation and interest in listening classroom. Likewise, Nunan (1999) adds another advantage of authentic material is that it can provide various kinds of speech or discourse that can be pertinent to a wide range of learners. Holden (n.d.) also reports that authentic materials can create interest of student in extensive listening since it provides students with experience of enjoyment and entertainment due to these following reasons (1) it provides conversation about real life topic (2) it draws learners engagement (3) it can be personally relevant (4) it is easier to memorize than non-authentic language. Similarly, Field (2002, p. 244) mentions two reasons to support the application of authentic materials in listening classes including “naturalness of language and real-life listening experience”. As mentioned above, it is clear that student can easily function in real-life listening contexts if they are familiar with authentic…show more content…
18) describes features of authentic materials including “natural speech speed, overlap of conversation, short forms, repetitions and redundant language” while non-authentic or scripted materials presents “consistent speech rate, the absence of any overlap between speakers and clear pause at the ends sentences”. According to Field (2002, p. 242), authentic interactional materials involves “hesitations, stuttering, false starts, and long, loosely structured sentences”. These features of authentic language might result in confusion, demotivation and frustration among learners (Nihei, 2002). Likewise, Harmer (2007) confirms that authentic materials without carefully selection can result in demotivation among students because they will not comprehend the target language. Nevertheless, choosing appropriate materials for learners can be taken as a solution to this issue. Nowadays, with the numerous authentic materials available on a variety of sources as mentioned above, teachers seem to have more choice in selecting listening materials for their classes. In Rost (2001, p. 11) discussion about effective teaching factors, he argues that carefully selection materials which is “appropriate authentic, interesting, varied and challenging” is one integral part of a successful class. Moreover, Ji and Zhang (2010) suggest factors to take into consideration in selecting authentic listening materials including

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