Class And Social Exclusion Analysis

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Class and Social Exclusion: The neglected and troublesome partners Introduction Researchers are debating about the definitions of class and what are contributing factors to class (Gilfillan, 2009; Crompton, 2010). Because the society is complicated, there are many possible aspects that can define status and class (Robson, 2016). Bourdieu (1986) proposes that the factors that constitute class can be found in the economic, social, cultural, and symbolic capitals of a person. They are, for instance, accent, clothing, physical look and education (Charlesworth, 2004). When the lower class people are able to attain prosperity or power and break through to the higher class, called “upwardly mobile”, the large difference in the level of Bourdieu’s four capitals in any social venue can lead to discriminative behaviors. Because people from the class that posses more resources perceive themselves as being in a higher level, they will act and think in certain ways to reserve or legitimise their positions of wealth and status (DeAngelis, 2015). They can do so by socially excluding the lower class people, especially at workplace. However, being socially ostracised can have higher detrimental impacts on the employees’ mental health than experiencing explicit and hostile discrimination (Robinson and Schabram, 2017). Not only that, the company will also be impacted by the reduced…show more content…
Moreover, since class is interconnected with other minority status, such as race and gender, they altogether can determine

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