Astronomy In Ancient Civilizations

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Introduction: Why we look to the stars for answers about our existence. We look to stars for answers because it would help us in life. Also maybe you believe if you see a special type of star alignment you will get happiness, luck, or bad things. Ancient civilizations used to worship and have religion based on stars the most because they didn’t know much about themselves. The civilizations I will talk about are The Mayans, Incans, Mesopotamians, Ancient India, and Ancient Egypt. The Mayans thought astronomy was really important. They did it because this Ancient Science reflected order in the universe and the gods in it. The Mayans believed that celestial events were communication from the gods. Some gods were represented as deities.…show more content…
Mercury was recorded by the Assyrians. This was in the `14th century BC. Mercury is the 2nd densest planet. Mercury has a diameter of 4,879. A circumference of 15,329 km. Mercury weighs 330,104,000,000,000 billion kg. Mercury is 0.39 au away from the sun. Mercury has a dry and rocky surface. Lots of parts of Mercury has craters on them. Mercury got craters from asteroids and meteors because Mercury is close to the sun so some asteroids could hit Mercury. Most of the craters on Mercury are ancient. Mercury has lots of basins. Most of the basins have multiple rings in a bull’s eye pattern. The largest basin in Mercury is named the Caloris. It is 1545 km wide. Its height is also 3.2187 km long. Mercury has 3 layers, a molten core at the center. A mantle in between the core and rocky crust. Lastly a rocky crust at the surface. The core takes about 61% of Mercury’s volume. While Earth takes only 16% from the core. Mercury has wrinkles. This is when the iron core cooled and contracted. So the surface of Mercury had wrinkles for that reason. Mercury is one out of the five planets that you can see from the naked…show more content…
Crowns are ring like structures that could go from 144 km to 579 km. Venus has barely a tilt. Venus is often described as a stormy desert. Venus resembles how the Earth would be like in a million years. Venus might have had bodies of water a long time ago. Venus has a very thick atmosphere. Also its atmospheric pressure is 92x greater than Earths atmospheric pressure. Venus is a bit smaller than Earth. But Venus has mountains that are taller than Earth mountains. Venus also has clouds that consist of mercury, ferric, chloride, and hydro-carbons. Venus also has molten lead. There are explosions on Venus. Some of them are caused by the volcanoes. Russians were the first to send a spacecraft to Venus. Venus has the most volcanoes in the solar system. Venus consists of ninety-five percent of carbon dioxide, three point five percent of nitrogen. Also Venus has minor amount of sulfur dioxide, argon, water, carbon, monoxide, helium, and neon. Venus is the second brightest object you can see in the night sky on Earth. That’s a reason also why Venus is known as the evening star and the morning star because Venus is the 2nd most brightest object in the night sky.

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