The Elves And The Hobbit Analysis

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The Elves and the hobbits also share a kind of inward-turning attitude that makes them someway not interested in the things of the world outside theirs, and both are realms protected but destined to change in the coming world – the Elvish realm will fade away and the Shire will be invaded before the order can be restored. Tolkien spends a great number of pages dealing with the description of these places; both the places idealizes a primitive relationship between nature and man. There seems to be a communion between the natural landscape and its inhabitants which we perceive distant from us and lacking in the present. Therefore, again this can be interpreted as a symptom of a nostalgic feeling for a lifestyle that exists no more in reality.…show more content…
The Hobbits will gain a new awareness of the outside world after suffering and fighting, and they will end up strengthened in a sort of cathartic process. This might be a reflection of what Tolkien was hoping for our world too. The ultimate opposition at the core of Lord of the Rings narration is – as in each fairy-tale – between good and evil. Taking a closer look, it is possible to see a more complex conflict: it is an opposition between different attitudes towards life and nature. As we have seen, while the free peoples – including men, hobbits, elves, dwarves – share a respect for nature and animals, the dark forces of Saruman and Sauron are careless of what surrounds them, and wish just to submit the others through war and industry. Tolkien is not concerned in depicting nature in a romantic way; on the contrary, the reader perceives it as a living being. Far from being just a contemplative object, nature becomes a true subject with feelings: Fangorn forest for example, is explicitly said to have its own emotion and will. Even though at different degrees, the elf peoples, the Hobbits and Tom Bombadil show all a total devotion for nature in the form of trees, water and earth. They do not simply live…show more content…
In fact, their homes are holes inside the earth, or wood constructions on and around trees. Nothing artificial is needed, nature is vital to them and they serve nature in return, as caretakers and loving keepers, at the point that trees are even said to sing for the elves. It is not a surprise that the free people which shows the least empathy towards nature is that of men. But even so, men are never disrespectful or destructive for natural elements. However, it is implied that a deeper communion would be not only possible, but also desirable. Sauron, who represents pure evil, lives in the Mordor region where nothing grows. Air is polluted, there is no water source nor green, and fire is the predominant element. It is clear that this environment is antithetical to the Green World of the rest of Middle-earth. Also, in the story there are two characters who become negative in a degenerative process, namely Gollum and Saruman. Gollum was: “a Stoor

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