Comparing Ancient Mesopotamian, Maya, And Greek Civilizations

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Throughout history, many different empires and societies have emerged, with each sharing a vast number of common characteristics and qualities. Ancient Mesopotamian, Mayan, and Greek civilizations, being what I believe to be three of the most notable civilizations to have emerged, share a strong desire for development, both intellectually and socially, in addition to obtaining a strong drive to distinguish each individual empire as being one of the most advanced and all-powerful societies of their time. As the video details, Ancient Mesopotamia is often referred to as being the “cradle of civilization” due to its ability to develop many of the fundamental aspects that have influenced our own modern society (Great Empires of the Past). The Sumerian…show more content…
This, of course, promoted growth in a social context with the establishment of social classes that identified rulers from common citizens. Furthermore, to expand on an intellectual level, they generated the first form of writing known as cuneiform script. This allowed the Babylonians to successfully establish written laws, taxation, advancements in literature, and a centralized government. Like the empires of Mesopotamia, the people of Maya made many grand advancements, most importantly being the development of the calendar. The Maya calendars, used much like the ones we have in today’s modern world, not only show indication of the establishment of months, each regarded by a specific deity, but also aided in the planting and harvesting of agriculture. Through bountiful farming and the making of other goods, massive gatherings began to ensue, bringing about trade and the selling of goods, which additionally aided in social…show more content…
Most impressive, though, is the Maya desire for an intellectual understanding the world around them, a human quality shared with people of Mesopotamia. During their time, the Maya became astronomical experts, developing methods to accurately measure and date the cosmos. With astronomy being a primary interest, many buildings were constructed for the sole purpose of studying and observing the stars. Similarly, the ancient Greeks also possessed a profound interest in observing the world around them, leading to the study of astronomy, biology, botany, medicine, mathematics, and physics. Through the common human desire to expand intellectually, philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates developed many advancements in these sciences. Ancient Greeks also possessed an interest in politics, bring about a new form of government known as democracy, which granted citizens the ability to make decisions and influenced the modern government structure of

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