Army Special Force Research Paper

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The United States Army Special Forces are one of the most important and elite branches in the United States Army (special forces, n.d.). They are one of the most elite units because of the excellent training they receive in the Special Forces Qualification Course. They are one of the most important because of the critical missions they conduct. The United States Army Special Forces has five primary missions: counterterrorism, direct action, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance and unconventional warfare (army special forces training, n.d.). All of these missions are extremely important for helping in the fight against terrorism. Counterterrorism missions are United States military operations that aid in preventing terrorist cells…show more content…
Unconventional warfare missions are United States military operations that involve sending United States soldiers to foreign countries to train the countries’ local militia in military tactics so they can help the United States eliminate a mutual enemy. All United States soldiers who wish to become Special Force soldiers must attend and complete all six phases of the Special Forces Qualification Course. Before they can even enter the Special Forces Qualification Course, they must first pass both The United States Airborne School and the Special Forces Assessment and Selection. Airborne school is a three-week course at Fort Benning, Georgia that teaches soldiers how to safely jump out of airplanes. The Special Forces Assessment and Selection is a rigorous nineteen-day training regimen designed to weed out soldiers who are not fit for the Special Forces Qualification Course. The Special Forces Assessment and Selection tends to have very high attrition rates due to the extremely harsh conditions bestowed upon the candidates (army special forces training, n.d.,…show more content…
Phase four: Individual Military Occupation Specialty Training, 5. Phase five: UW Colex, and 6. Phase six: Graduation. In Phase one, United States Special Forces candidates are introduced to unconventional warfare, airborne operations, Special Forces planning and operation culture/regional analysis. In Phase two, the United States Special Forces candidates receive language training in their assigned language. In Phase three, United States Special Forces candidates master the following skills: advanced marksmanship, small-unit tactics, Special Forces common tasks, urban operations, mission analysis, advanced special operations level 1, sensitive-site exploitation and the military-decision making process. In phase four, United States Special Forces candidates begin military occupational specialty training for any of the followig: 18Alpha (Special Forces Officer), 18Bravo(Special Forces Weapons Sergeant), 18Charlie (Special Forces Engineer Sergeant), 18Delta (Special Forces Medical Sergeant) or 18Echo (Special Forces Communications Sergeant). In Phase five, also known as the Robin Stage, United States Special Forces candidates must apply all of what they have learned previously throughout the Special Forces Qualification Course in a simulated unconventional warfare mission. Finally, in phase six, Special Forces candidates

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