Women In The Progressive Era

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Progressive Era was a time period in the American history lasting from the 1890s through the 1920s. At the turn of the era, United States was undergoing rapid development and industrialization. During this time period, women were demanding their equal rights as men. The determinations of women during the Progressive Era ominously impacted the lives of numerous Americans. Women were standing equally as men, but, until that time women still did not had the right to vote. The position of women changed immensely during Progressive Era. Women in New York played an important for the women suffrage and equal rights. Women were not allowed to vote even though they made half of the adult population. Supporters of women equality sought the right to vote…show more content…
The Seneca Falls Convention was the first women’s rights convention in the United States, which was held in Seneca Falls, New York. Anticipated to call consideration for unfair treatment of women, the convention was attended by about numerous women including men. A book called, Seneca Falls and the Origins of the Women's Rights Movement by Sally Gregory McMillen, which discusses the first convention that changed the American history. McMillen states, “As Susan B. Anthony observed in the early 1880s, Woman had not been discovered fifty years ago.” (McMillen, Sally G. p3). To enumerate, women were seen as merely housewives who had nothing to do with legal and political rights. Women endured injustices throughout the human history. The convention, inspired many women to organize “meetings, lecture, write, and petition elected officials to persuade them that women deserved all the rights of citizenship” (p.4). To emphasize the Bill of Rights contained all the demands of women following the amendments. However, this was not an easy task to make other women agree to their undeniable rights. It was a big challenge for reformers to “convince women themselves that they deserved better, that they needed to fight oppression and demand their rights” (p.4). Women felt inferior that it was strenuous to make them believe that they deserved equal rights as any other men in United States. However, the convention was only a small step toward a greater change in the history of New
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