Fear In George Orwell's '1984'

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Fear is a major theme used in Orwell’s novel, fear is seen through the society of Oceanica and in the prison of the ministry of truth. Fear is the distressing emotion you have caused by the credence that someone or something in treacherous. Within the novel, Winston Smith expresses fear most of the time he is in Oceanica and with Julia, because it goes against what he was taught to believe in. In Oceanica love is forbidden because with love come free will, and that goes against a totalitarian government. With Oceanica Big Brother controls the citizens lives they choose their spouse, job, where they live, and much more. Julia and Winston's relationship is illegal in their society and he knows he is breaking the law which causes fear. When Winston…show more content…
It is the official language Oceanica, and is used to help keep any thoughts of a promising form the citizens minds. Language has a certain power in the political world, it is used to help hide the truth and help keep the citizens unaware of the power the government holds. In 1984, language is used to hide the truth of the Parties need to control every mind in oceanica, and it also keep the citizens unaware of how much power the party really holds. Jem Berks praises orwell on his knowledge of knowing language and the power it has, Burks…show more content…
War is Peace and Freedom is Slavery are great examples of doublethink, they are both contradictory of himself but are also accepted my the citizens of Oceanica. A great example of doublethink in the book is the names of the four ministries; The ministry of truth is concerned with lies, the ministry of peace in concerned with war, the ministry of love in concert with torture, and the ministry of plenty is concerned with starvation.The ministries names are very contradicting, but the citizens believe the name to be true. “ The idea of “doublethink” emerges as an important consequence of the Party’s massive campaign of large-scale psychological manipulation.” (Soriano, Manipulation of Language as a Weapon of Mind Control and Abuse of Power in 1984.). Orwell expresses doublethink through the book, but especially at the end when Winston is in the Ministry of Love. Soriano explains what happens at the end of the book and why it is considered doublethink in her essay.”The protagonist does not believe in the Party and the members make them a brainwash and he finally says that he believes but it is not true. For them, it is not enough to say that you believe on the Party, Actually you have to believe it, to be sure that you love it, even though it means to betray what you previously
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