Aptitude Motivation

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According to Dörnyei (1998), both teachers and researchers referred to motivation as one of the salient factors that affect the rate and success of second/foreign language learning. Motivation refers to the desire that starts learning in the first place and keeps it on during the difficult situations. Motivation can even make up for an aptitude deficiency. Accounting for a great deal of variability among individuals, Gardner and Lambert (1972) found that, aptitude motivation is actually more important than the effects of aptitude. They argued that people still manage to learn a second language without considering aptitude. In line with research on motivation, there have been many studies related to the reasons of learning another language.…show more content…
10), we realized that his construct of motivation had three salient components: motivational intensity, desire to learn the language, and an attitude toward the act of learning the language. According to Gardner, one can find all three components in a truly motivated individual. The motivation to learn a second language is different from the motivation to learn other subjects. Taking on the identity and culture of the target language are, to some degree, associated to mastery of a second language. Gardner’s theory implies that one of the elements which will affect success in learning language is students’ attitudes toward that target language group. The amount of contact between the two cultures can significantly influence the relationship between attitudes and L2 motivation. Another issue which would have impact on L2 motivation is gender. So, the present study attempts to highlight the potential gender differences in motivation of learning the second…show more content…
These authors used four theories of achievement motivation: attribution, expectancy-value, self-efficacy, and achievement goal perspectives. Their findings revealed that the beliefs and behaviors of girls’ and boys’ related to motivation continue to follow gender role stereotypes. Furthermore, the results suggested that boys were more interested in mathematics and science, whereas girls were more stronger in language arts and writing. The other factors such as ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and classroom context would moderate gender effects

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