Vocational Interest Survey Analysis

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Jackson Vocational Interest Survey This is a forced-choice measure of interests as they relate to 26 work roles and 8 work styles. Ideal for high school and college students, the test yields scores on 10 Holland-like themes, as well as validity-related indices. The development of this test has been described in detail by Jackson (1977; Jackson & Williams, 1975). Kuder Occupational Interest Survey (KOIS) This classic interest-measuring instrument is an outgrowth of the Kuder Preference Survey, which was originally published in 1939. Each item presents respondents with three choices of activity, and their task is to select their most and least preferred choices. The test has been criticized for its lack of predictive validity, an assertion that…show more content…
For each item, respondents select one of three drawing depicting their preferred job task. The protocol yields scores on 11 occupational categories that represent types of occupations at which members of special populations might be employed. Self-Directed Search – Form R Developed by John L. Holland, this is a self-administered, self-scored, and self-interpreted interest inventory appropriate for use by individuals 12 years of age and above. Form-R (1994) contains updated norms. The main question is how well do interest measures help in predicting the type of work in which individuals will eventually perform well and gain satisfaction. In one research endeavor, interest and aptitude measures were identified to correlate in a range of about .40 to .72 (Lam et al., 1993). In another study investigating on the accuracy with which interest and aptitude tests predict future job performance and satisfaction, Bizot and Goldman (1993) identified people…show more content…
Tests that include several academic areas are commonly separated into several subtests and are most commonly known as achievement batteries. Such batteries may be administered to a group or one on one basis. They may be consist of a few subtests, as does the Wide Range Achievement Test – 4 (Wilkinson & Robertson, 2006) with its measures of reading, spelling, arithmetic, and reading comprehension. A general achievement measure may be quite comprehensive, as in the Sequential Tests of Educational Progress (STEP) battery. Used in kindergarten through Grade 12, the STEP battery covers achievement subtests in reading, vocabulary, mathematics, writing skills, study skills, science, and social studies, as well as a behavior inventory, an educational environment questionnaire, and an activities

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