Persuasive Essay On School Website

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New year, new website! Okay yes, that was a terrible joke but it is still true none the less. I have been chosen this year to select a new website designer for our revamped school website. Now we know that with the pace our school runs we have to have a website that will last us at least the next 10 years, but what makes a good website? Well I am glad you asked. A website should be aesthetically pleasing to the viewer, user friendly, and informative. One of the vendors that I have reached out to Websites R Us has offered a sample website that they have previously designed. From the sample website Websites R Us has given us, it showed that this designer does not essentially meet all the criteria that we are looking for our new website. A main requirement for any website is that it should be aesthetically pleasing to the user. While what is pleasing can differ from person to person, a website…show more content…
For our school we need a website that not only teenagers will understand, but parents and teachers as well. Basically it needs to be easy to navigate into. With the UAT website, while it was very aesthetically pleasing it was not that easy to navigate. The squares of programs floating around the young women’s head immediately makes you want to click on one to get to part of the site. In fact for a good five minutes I tried hovering or clicking on those squares thinking that those would lead me into the websites. At least from my experience it did not stop or really allow me to access them. It was after those five minutes that I actually noticed that there were tabs to get to those different departments on the top of the screen. As well as scrolling to the bottom to find more information. While maybe the purpose of the website for UAT is more to showcase that the school is very advanced in technology, I do not see our parents having fun searching for tabs in order to get to where they

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