Anxiety Disorder Research Paper

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Everyone faces anxiety every once and a while- it's a normal occurrence in the human brain. Taking exams, starting new jobs or schools, making decisions that will make large changes to your life, exc., are some stimuli that result in this temporary stress or fret. Anxiety disorders, though, are different. Someone who struggles with an anxiety disorder faces constant overthinking and worry that doesn't go away and can worsen over time. It can become impossible for them to control and they may feel as though they are suffering. These thoughts and feelings can interfere with every day activities such as work and school as well as maintaining relationships and mental health. There are a variety of types of anxiety disorders, and…show more content…
Anxiety disorders that are severe and last at least six months are generally known to be a problem that could benefit from evaluation and treatment. Each disorder has different symptoms, but they all revolve around extreme, irrational fears and dread. They have persistent worrying about both small and large situations that are out of proportion to reality, and cannot let go or set side these fears. They have difficulty concentrating or they feel that their mind often "goes blank." They fear of making decisions because they feel that they might make the wrong one, and drag every option out until they can find the worst possible conclusion. They even worry about their excessive worrying--they know that their thoughts are irrational, but they cannot make it go away. Some physical symptoms of these disorders include problems sleeping, cold or sweaty hands and feet, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, an inability to be still and calm, dry mouth, and numbness or tingling in the hands or…show more content…
In the short term, it makes your pulse and breathing rate quicken so your brain can get oxygenated. These factors prepare the body to respond appropriately to intense situations. The body will return to normal functioning after the stress passes. If you are repeatedly feeling anxious or stressed, or it lasts for a long time, your body never will get the signal to return to this normal functioning. It can weaken your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to viral infections. Studies have shown that an increased rate of anxiety and panicking in people with chronic respiratory disease. Prolonged stress can lead to general feelings of illness, and vaccines can be less effective in people with anxiety disorders. Your digestive and excretory systems also suffer. There many be a connection between anxiety and the development of irritable bowel syndrome after a bowel infection, which can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, or

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