Eugen Brleuler Theory

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Eugen Bleuler, Swiss psychiatrist (1896) best known for refining Kraepelin's diagnosis of dementia praecox and giving it the name "schizophrenia." Bleuler defended Lombroso. Bleuler maintained that [criminals] were set apart by "characterological attributes" such as "moral defects, a lack of inhibition, excessive drives, etc." While Bleuler admitted that criminal psychopathology could not yet describe the different "classes" of criminals in all their forms, one such class could already be defined, namely those characterized by a "defect of moral sentiments." . . . . Bleuler explained: What the born criminal is lacking is not the laws to be instilled, but the possibility of making use of them in the same way as honest people. This defect can…show more content…
Abraham (1925) suggested that early pampering of the child leads to insatiable narcissism. In unloved children, antisocial hatred will be generated. Partridge (1930) observed that the concepts of psychopathic personality were widely scattered in psychiatric and criminal works. Differentiated psychopathy from antisocial behavior and noted that there is considerable personality deviation which is not expressed through antisocial behavior. "Sociopath" used to emphasize that the person was out of step with society rather than being "internally perverse". The term sociopath gained wide usage in the 50's, 60's and 70's. Cleckley (1941) the mask of sanity: An attempt to clarify some issues about the so-called psychopathic personality. This is the seminal work upon which the modern era of psychopathy research is based…show more content…
. .who have manifested considerable difficulty in social adjustment over a period of many years or throughout life, but who are not of defective intelligence nor suffering from structural disease of the brain or epilepsy, and whose difficulties in adjustment have not been manifested by the behavioral syndromes which are conventionally referred to as neuroses or psychoses. Among the symptoms often stressed are defects of emotional control, inability to profit from experience, impulsiveness, lack of foresight, inability to modify infantile standards of conduct, lack of self-reliance, unsatisfactory adjustment to the group, inability to withstand tedium, and irresponsibility of character. They psychopath can usually verbalize all the social and moral rules but he does not seem to be able to understand them and to obey them in the way that others do. This is what Cleckley called the "mask of

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