Spank Your Child Analysis

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Parenting is like raising a puppy. At least that is how author H. Norman Wright sees it. When you discipline your puppy they either, ignore you, look at you with a “huh” look, give you a look that says no, hike or squat and douse on the floor, or all of the above. The same experiences happen when a parent spanks their child, minus the squat and douse on the floor part. Spanking a child might have been the thing to do when our parents were growing up, however times have changed and that is not the case anymore. When it comes to the topic of spanking, most of us readily agree that spanking your child is wrong and should not be used as a form of discipline. Where this argument usually ends, however, is on the question of, is spanking even an…show more content…
Murray Straus, a professor of sociology at the university of New Hampshire in Durham, discusses how the outcome of spanking depends on how it is used. “It is important that the child understands that the parent is not doing it out of frustration or to show who is boss, but out of love for the child” (Ogilvie par. 14). In making this comment, Straus urges us to believe that if the parent acts right and the child understands that their parent loves them spanking will be effective. Some parents have even started a method called “back up spanking” which will not leave any long-term effects with the child. “Back up spanking” involves two swats and then some form of affection to children who need more than a time out. Many studies have shown that “back up spanking” works best with children who are between the ages of two and six years old (Ogilvie par. 11-12). Given that “back up spanking” does not leave any long-term effects with the child we can conclude that, spanking does not cause aggression issues. When it comes to consequences and long-term effects, they come with every form of punishment. If children develop aggression problems they are likely to have these problems before spanking started. Aggression can be passed by genes in parents (Ogilvie par 16). Children know right from wrong. In other words, they know that just because adults can spank them, that it…show more content…
One major long-term effect is antisocial behavior. Those unfamiliar with this school of thought may be interested to know that antisocial behavior basically boils down to children experiences vulnerabilities after being spanked. In a study that involved 10,700 children genetic risks such as antisocial behavior occurred. Many children that participated in this study experienced vulnerabilities with the use of corporal punishment (Spanking Genes par. 3-4). When a form of discipline causes a child to develop antisocial behavior, something in a parent’s head should click and a parent should realize that they need to stop. Above all, the parent is only hurting the child in the long run. “Corporal punishment or spanking is a statistically significant predicator of subsequent antisocial behavior, even in children who may be spanked only once a week”(Straus par. 5). Antisocial behavior is not the only long-term effect of spanking; there are many more long-term

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