Anne Frank: All People Are Good At Heart

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According to Anne Frank, all people are good at heart. But is that really true? Well, the truth is that not all people are good at heart. The people anne was referring to as “good at heart” were the ones responsible for the mass murder of the innocent jewish people.The Jews were forced out of their homes, had their businesses taken away, etc. for no reason except for their religion. If people were really good at heart then the circumstances for the jews wouldn’t be like this:If everyone was good at heart, then the fighting going on in the annex wouldn’t have The people anne was referring to as “good at heart” were the ones responsible for the mass murder of the innocent jewish people. Dussel:They are gone. Anne: Gone? Dussel: With all the…show more content…
She’s crazy about that old coat. The people in the annex are not acting “good at heart” in this situation. Mr. Van Daan is trying to sell Mrs Van daan’s coat for cigarrettes and he know that teh coat means a lot to her. If he was good at heart, he would know that he should sell that coat. He already took all of Mrs. Van Daans other stuff and now he’s trying to sell something given to her by her dead grandfather. Dussel: “Thanks to this clumsy fool there is now someone who knows we are up here!” In this quote, Mr Dussel blames the loud noise on peter. Peter did do it, but it wasn’t necessary to call him out for it. If he was good at heart he wouldn’t have done this and just tried to address the situation. Dussel: Every night she twists and turns. I don’t sleep.I spend half my night shushing her. And now its nightmares! The quote further more proves my point that the people in the annex are not being good at heart. Mr Dussel yells at a Anne for doing somnething she can’t control. Yelling at her after a nightmare will just make the situation. Instead of calming her down, he yells at her and acts like its all her fsult and that they are going to be caught by the NAzi’s because of
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