Andrew Jackson And Native Americans: The Trail Of Tears

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Andrew Jackson was born to an impoverish family on March 15th, 1767 in the Waxhaws Region. His parents were feeble emigrants from Ireland, who wanted to bask in the American Dream. They were stricken with poverty as Jackson was born in a meager log cabin. His father had died weeks before his birth, only growing up with his mother; however Jackson still shone like a gleaming star. He joined the local militia at the age of thirteen to defend his beloved country. Sadly, his brothers perished through the means of ailment and strife. Exacerbating his grief further, his adored mother succumbed to the sickles of death; causing Jackson to become an orphan at the mere age of fourteen. Fortunately, he was raised by his caring uncle and was allowed to…show more content…
He continuously bickers with them about land and cultural disputes. Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act which negotiated land-exchange treaties with tribes living to the east of the Mississippi. Native Americans almost had no say in their hasty removal from their homes. This caused the forceful migration of more than a million natives to the harsh conditions of the West. The Trail of Tears was the result of this migration, more than four-thousand Cherokees perished on this trip. Most died because of cold, hunger, and disease on their lugubrious move towards the West. These people succumb to death for just a few arches of land. Jackson’s idea was utterly unconstitutional and discriminatory. The Worcester v. Georgia case effectively ruled the act unconstitutional because of the Cherokees’ treaties with the United States, but Jackson decided to ignore these pretenses and unknowingly murdered millions of innocent lives; simply for the justification and yearning of American soil. He stated, “I regret that the Cherokees east of the Mississippi have not yet determined as a community to remove. How long the personal causes which have heretofore retarded that ultimately inevitable measure will continue to operate I am unable to conjecture.” The antagonism towards a race was unprecedented strongly by any man, Jackson’s corrupt ideals saw the eradication of a hesitant…show more content…
His background proved only as a tactic to sway the common fool. He selfishly created the spoils system, passed the Indian Removal Act, and abolished the Second Bank of the United States, all for unjustified causes than his own personal hatreds and vendettas. Jackson controlled this country as a monarch, who did not abide by the constitution. He used his power of presidency to relinquish anything that opposed his cause. He ultimately tossed America into disarray with his corruption of the federal government. He’s nothing but an egotistical monarch who dissuade the public into following his ideals by appealing to us with his disheartening background. Jackson will forever been known as the heinous, corrupt king who used the powers of his presidency for his own selfish

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