Trail Of Tears Analysis

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During the War of 1812, America became involved in a conflict with the Native Americans. The British armed Native Americans to fight the Americans. After this conflict was mostly settled, Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase. Settlers were sent to expand west, but the land the settlers were sent to explore was occupied by Native Americans. Jackson created the Indian Removal Act to get them off the land, leading to the Trail of Tears where Native Americans were forced off their land and taken to Oklahoma. The multiple perspectives of the sources concerning the Indian Removal Act and Trail of Tears help shape the reader’s view of these events by explaining what happened, the causes of it, and the perspectives of the people involved. To begin,…show more content…
In the text it says, “On the morning of November the 17th we encountered a terrific sleet and snowstorm with freezing temperatures and from that day until we reached the end of the fateful journey on March the 26th, 1839, the sufferings of the Cherokees were awful… They had to sleep in the wagons and on the ground without fire. And I have known as many as twenty-two of them to die in one night of pneumonia due to ill treatment, cold, and exposure.” This quote shows what happened during the Trail of Tears from a soldier’s point of view. This soldier told about how the Cherokees suffered in the harsh conditions they experienced. They had to walk through sleet, snow storms, and freezing temperatures. The Cherokees had no choice but to sleep in wagons and on the ground, but they couldn’t have fire. About 22 Cherokees die from pneumonia because of the cold, exposure, and ill treatment. They couldn’t have fire, had poor treatment, and many died of sickness every night. Because the soldier was against the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears, this person was able to give direct information on what happened without sugar-coating anything. This helps the reader understand the harsh conditions given to Cherokee Indians during this Trail of…show more content…
The History Channel provides information on what happened and why, with an unbiased view, which helps the listener to understand what the Indian Removal Act was, and why it happened because the History Channel is neutral. Andrew Jackson’s speech helped the reader to understand why the Indian Removal Act is beneficial to the American Republic and why he created it because he supported it. The soldier’s account helped the reader to understand what happened during the Trail of Tears. This person explained what they saw during their experience. This helps the reader to understand what happened during the Trail of Tears and the hardships the Cherokee faced because nothing was mollified since the soldier was against it. This event significant because it demonstrated what the right thing to do is during a conflict. The Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears revealed precedents for future presidents and signified how America deals with

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