American Colonies Colony

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-map, -reasons for and date of founding, -economy, -geography, -government, -celebrities and important residents, -residency requirements, -target residents, -5 strengths of our colony, -5 weaknesses of 5 colonies (25 in all), colony comparisons -Analysis- primary source documents, why colony was founded at first and how this affects who moves there, how government, geography, economy, and religion of each colony has affected each of the colonies, -detailed target resident profiles massachusetts - It was founded in 1630 by John Winthrop for religious freedom for separatists. There were bitterly cold winters and mild summers. Land was flat close to the coastline and became hilly and mountainous farther inland. The soil was mostly rocky,…show more content…
First the Dutch established a successful trading post. then, the English got jealous of the profits the Dutch were reaping and took over. Afterward the king gave the land to his brother to make New York. Later, part of it became New Jersey.these colonies have warm summers and cold winters. along with ground that consisted of had flat ground, rolling plains and mountains. good coastal harbors for shipping. Climate and land were ideal for agriculture. These colonies were known as the “breadbasket” colonies. This colony was under the royal crown. Famous people were michael jordan,William Alexander (Lord Stirling).Target residents were people who suffered from religious persecution and wanted freedom of…show more content…
split when government issues came about. established for trade and profits. This group of colonies had hot summers and mild winters. Most of the land was coastal plain with some mountains farther inland. The soil was perfect for farming and the growing season was longer. This colony was under the royal crown. Famous people were James K. Polk, stephen curry. target residents were overflow farmers from virginia. south carolina - Eight nobles with a Royal Charter from Charles II in 1663. split when government issues cane about. established for trade and profits This group of colonies had hot summers and mild winters. Most of the land was coastal plain with some mountains farther inland. The soil was perfect for farming and the growing season was longer. This colony was under the royal crown. Famous people were raymond felton John Rutledge. target residets were people who didnt like north carolinas government after the split. georgia - james oglethorpe in 1733. Founded to be a buffer zone to Spanish Florida and a safe haven for debtors. This group of colonies had hot summers and mild winters. Most of the land was coastal plain with some mountains farther inland. The soil was perfect for farming and the growing season was longer. This colony was under the royal crown. Famous people were Martin Luther King Jr and Kanye
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