Abolitionism In Colonial American Colonies

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Inspired by religious and ethical, developed in the countries most affected by the phenomenon of slavery, first in England and its American colonies, then in France, Spain and Portugal. While abolitionism, as combating trafficking, managed, relatively quickly, to take hold on governments, not just as it was for the abolition of slavery itself, for whose destruction it took years of struggle. Abolitionism very soon joined the states where slaves constituted a very low percentage of the total population. Typical is the case of the United States in New England, where they were released before anywhere else, slaves accounted for about 5% of the total population, while in the South, where they were freed from weapons nordiste, this proportion rose to…show more content…
Both for moral reasons and for their economic structure, the colonies and the states of New England, beginning with Rhode Island (1774), before 1800 they abolished slavery, which instead continued to be practiced in the South until the war Secession. In England the struggle supported by W. Wilberforce to municipalities in 1807 led to the approval of the law prohibiting trafficking from the ports under British rule; In the same year the United States banned the importation of slaves from Africa, and Denmark, which also had a flourishing traffic in West Africa, there had already done since 1792. In France, the abolition of slavery preached by Raynal Gregoire and was decreed by the Revolution. Slavery was reintroduced by Napoleon I, which abolished again during the Hundred Days. On the international prohibition of trafficking it was ratified by the Congress of Vienna (1815), who left the determination of time to individual states. They joined it as well as Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands and the new independent states of Latin America, while the British navy held police duties. Towards the middle of the century. XIX the slave trade could be said to be

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