Ambition In Macbeth

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Ambition: a strong desire to do or achieve something. Ambition is a dangerous force and one of the main themes in William Shakespeare’s play “Macbeth”. At the beginning Macbeth appears initially to be a brave and honorable man, but once he meets the witches he is very ambitious and prone to self-doubt. He is too ambitious to allow his conscience to stop him from murdering his way to the top. He already had status and power at the beginning of the play; he had a castle, land and wealth. And he has also proven himself on the battlefield and has the respect of the King and his peers. Macbeth is also being rewarded richly. The King grants him Cawdor’s land and title. Duncan has promised him that he has “begun to plant thee and will labour to make thee full of growing.” This shows that…show more content…
Macbeth says to himself that if he could get away with murdering King Duncan, he’s certain he would go to hell for murder. He ends up talking himself out of the murder, only to have Lady Macbeth push him to do it by questioning his manhood. “And live a coward in thine own esteem.” Instantly after the murder, Macbeth feels the wrongness of the deed and wishes he hadn’t done it. Lady Macbeth’s desire to be queen is overwhelming and she constantly taunts Macbeth for being a coward despite Macbeth’s bravery on the battlefield. The ambition taken from this murder carries out into murdering more people. At this point, Lady Macbeth was the stronger half of their relationship. She was the one who pushed Macbeth to kill Duncan. But she slowly lost her grasp on being the stronger person when the guilt from the murder piled up. Lady Macbeth is the force that pushed Macbeth into the direction of murder. Lady Macbeth has responsibility for the murder of Duncan, but after the Duncan’s murder, she is kept out of the loop of what Macbeth is planning, and has no idea about the murders after that. Macbeth is the person who is responsible for it

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