Ambition In Macbeth

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The strive and ambition for power can seem to be the only key to success, however, power might be exactly what causes a person’s downfall. This is true in William Shakespeare’s story of a man that holds the power of ambition Macbeth. The reader sees the noble things about Macbeth, his flaws and what make him want to be more powerful; eventually, he sees the downfall. Macbeth is a tragic hero. “ Life but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more it is a tale, told by an idiot , full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” (Shakespeare). Macbeth was a very high noble man. When he fought, he fought honorably for Duncan against the invading forces. Macbeth was always brave on the battlefield, which is why Duncan makes him Thane of Cawdor. “Fair is foul and foul is fair” (Witches Act 1, Scene 1). Macbeth allowed his wife to manipulate his ambitious desires (Act 1, Scene 3). He always wanted the power be he wanted to get that much power to become king in the right way, not cheat his way in by killing the king. Once he killed the king, Macbeth had an evil demeanor, everything about him became evil after he killed the king. Ambition is a protrusive characteristic of Macbeth and led to…show more content…
Macbeth is thinking how he wants to be the king and he knows that one day he will be the king just not soon. He knew he had to kill Duncan in order to do that. The quote refers to Macbeth wanting to hide his desires and intentions from himself and others, and he knew that wanting to murder Duncan is wrong but he wants to feel he is a good person. He was neither evil nor a bad person, it just was his actions. He possess both pride, and greatness, greed and evilness. Macbeth has owned up to his responsibility that led to his downfall in this play, but he is not the only person, he shares the blame with the witches and his wife, Lady

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