Ambition In Macbeth

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The most important line in Act 1, scene 7 of Macbeth is: “I dare do all that may become a man, who dare do more is none.” (1.7.47-48). Macbeth said this line to his wife lady Macbeth, sometimes during the night in their room at Macbeth’s castle after they welcome king Duncan in their castle. A real man would only do the right things and be satisfied from what they earn by doing great things. They will become successful in a good way , but some man would do anything to become successful even if they have to murder somebody, they will do it. When you are human being like Macbeth you know when to start something and when to stop, but once you’ve become the monster you had been making(by murdering people to become successful) you don’t know when to stop killing people…show more content…
Macbeth don’t want to kill king Duncan because he is very content with what he have and is satisfied with the things that king Duncan had honor him. This line reveal that Macbeth do have his part that is honest to himself and royal to king Duncan. It shows that his greed for more has grown over time but he control himself from becoming the monster itself because he is grateful and thankful to King Duncan who had given him the title of thane of cawdor and so many more. Macbeth also know that there will be a consequence if he kill king Duncan and his choice of killing Duncan has not reach his ambition that he has been thinking. By saying “I dare do all that may become a man, who dare do more is none.” (1.7.47-48), Macbeth is confronted himself that this is the right way to be a man and doing more is nothing. If lady Macbeth do win over Macbeth good side, and convince him to murder King Duncan, Macbeth must take back his word and swallow it because soon or later he will become the monster itself. He will stop thinking of the consequence because his ambition of wanting more has become too

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