Violence In Beowulf

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Alexis Nelson Week 3 Essay Beowulf is considered the first “English epic” that is based on honor, loyalty, and revenge. There are several examples in the poem that suggest that Beowulf can be viewed as vengeful because of the significant warfare. The poem shows how Beowulf fights two significant battles with Grendel and his mother, and the dragon. The violence within the poem is justifiable and warranted. Beowulf is the hero that fights the monsters to try and restore some peace in his kingdom. The theme of revenge in Beowulf is motivated by Beowulf’s undying loyalty, courage, and honor which steers Beowulf into seeking out the evil that terrorize the lands and try to restore peace. The violence weaved throughout the poem gives the audience…show more content…
Beowulf being a true warrior does not mess with the tribal feuds but with the evils that terrorize the lands because they are less complex to deal with. He leaves the politics to the other men and he tackles the beasts that threaten the security of the lands. Hrothgar’s kingdom had Grendel destroy its lands by his bloodthirsty evil and violence. “The monster craved no kinship with any/ no end to the evil with wergild owed; / nor might a king’s council have reckoned/ on quittance come from the killer’s hand.” (34). Grendel ravages the land killing the people night after night without compensation, which was a strong pact that reigned in the…show more content…
The dragon also ravages the lands with his rage devastating Beowulf’s kingdom “the ghastly specter scattered his sparks/ and set their buildings brightly burning, / flowing with flames as homesteaders fled. / He meant to leave not one man alive. / That wreaker of havoc hated and harried/ the Geatish folk fleeing his flames./ Far and wide his warfare was watched until night had waned and the worm went winging/ back to the hall where his hoard lay hidden, sure of his stronghold, his walls and his war, / sure of himself, deceived by his pride”
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