Examples Of Ambition In Macbeth

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Bloody Ambition Greed is a destructive force, causing harm to others and the one holding it. Even a hero has a weakness and that is being too ambitious. William Shakespeare’s blood imagery in The Tragedy of Macbeth suggests that greed for power leads to tragic consequences. The restless desire of the Macbeths for the throne brings them to their death. For example, after successfully killing Banquo, Macbeth realizes, “blood will have blood” (3.4.122). Macbeth fears the murder of Banquo will be avenged by his death. Banquo’s death reveals to Macbeth that his actions will result in his own death. In addition, after sending all the Lords home early from the banquet, Macbeth reflects that, “I am in blood/stepped in so far that, should I wade no more,” (3.4.136-137). Macbeth…show more content…
For example, after murdering King Duncan, Macbeth asks himself, “Will all great Neptune’s Ocean wash this blood/Clean from my hand??” (2.2.58-89). Macbeth feels guilty and wonders if he will ever be able to forget what he has done. The guilt within Macbeth has begun to haunt him for his crime. In addition, at his banquet, the Ghost of Banquo appears, “blood hath been shed ere now, I’ th’ olden time, /Ere humane statue purged the gentle weal” (3.4.75-76). The bloody ghost of Banquo comes to haunt Macbeth at the dinner bringing fear and guilt to Macbeth. Macbeth is frightened and tries to rationalize the murder of Banquo. Furthermore, Lady Macbeth loses her cool, when she starts sleeping walking and says, “Yet who would have thought have the old man to have had/so much blood in him?” (5.1.31-32). Lady Macbeth is having nightmares that deal with her trying to handle her guilt. Lady Macbeth is unable to hide her part in the murders and begins to have a mental breakdown. The more they try to hide their secrets, the more they are overwhelmed with guilt causing them to lose their grip of

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