Ambition In Macbeth

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Although people have a mind of their own and are responsible for their own actions, it is through outside influences which give them the sheer potential to do the unpredictable, but even then one must know the difference between right and wrong. Like in Macbeth's case, that unpredictable is committing crimes that charge him with first degree murder three different times. The first being the murder of Duncan, the second being the murder of Banquo and the last and final the murder of Macduff's family. Though many would argue that for the murder of Duncan he was brainwashed by his wife, one could say that he could´ve controlled his actions. Many would also argue that because he had zero physical participation in the murders of Banquo and Macduff's,…show more content…
Ever since Macbeath heard the prophecies that promised him power, Macbeths mind started to disorientate. In the duration of Acts one and two, Macbeath, under the influence of Lady Macbeth and his own ambition, changed from being a rational, level-headed man to one of questionable integrity. Evidence number one was an entry that he himself stated in his journal, Macbeth stated, “Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green one red.” (2.2. 7-78) In this entry Macbeth is clearly feeling guilty of a murder he committed, his senses are heightened, and it was also reported that he was paranoid about being caught, which is why he jumped at every noise. Looking at his bloody hands, Macbeth wishes that he could take away the eyes that witnessed his crime. He feels that, like staining green waters red with blood, he will never get rid of the guilt from his murderous act. Though many would argue that for the murder Duncan he was brainwashed by his wife, one could say that he could´ve controlled his actions. When one comes to think about it, was the fact that he committed a murder or the fact that he murdered his one true friend, that he felt so guilty? Evidence number two was given by his wife, lady Macbeth. According to her, after he killed Duncan, Macbeth cried "I am afraid to…show more content…
One of both their aspirations was the same, which dealt with having the kingdom, the only difference was that one of Banquo’s kids was going to get the kingdom instead of him. This meant that Macbeth had competition for the Kingdom, which makes one question if he was capable of killing his closest friend, isn’t he capable of killing anyone? According to Macbeth's maid, he stated to himself, “I have no spur To prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself And falls on the other” (1.7. 25-28) Here he pretty much admitted to himself that there was no good reason to kill Duncan, because Duncan was perfectly good at this whole kingdom thing, and that he only killed him because he wanted the power for himself. Evidence number three, was a testimony of the murderers Macbeth contracted to do all the dirty jobs he couldn’t do. According to the murderers, Macbeth stated, “It is concluded. Banquo, thy soul's flight, If it find heaven, must find it out to-night.” (3.2.141-142) It is statements of his like these that incriminate him with the murder of Banquo, though many would argue that because he had zero physical participation in the murder of Banquo, he has zero fault and therefore should not be charged. Though this may be true, the murders have confessed that he gave them orders as a king and could not refuse because of the

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