Amazon Rainforest Essay

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The Amazon Rainforest holds the highest concentration of plant and animal life on the planet. It sprawls across South America reaching nine different countries. In Amazon Rainforest, you have the opportunity to explore a part of this massive oasis of wildlife. Also to interact with the indigenous tribes that live there. Amazonia has been described as remote, mysterious, diverse, and unbelievably beautiful. That´s why those travelers who really want to uncover the secrets of the natural world should visit the jungle. Ecuador's Amazonia covers 6 provinces: Sucumbios, Orellana, Napo, Pastaza, Morona Santiago, and Zamora Chinchipe. Located Amazon Rainforestroughly 400 meters above sea level, the Amazon can be accessed by bus or by plane from Quito. The two major areas to visit are Parque Nacional Yasuni, and the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve. Popular activities in these locations…show more content…
This lush rainforest park is only 250 km. from Quito. It is known as one of the most diverse parks in the world. Named a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, which means there is dedication to improving the relationship between people and their environments. This park is perfect for viewing Amazonian wildlife. Embarking on a hike or a canoe ride will bless you with the opportunity to see many different types of monkeys. Also exotic birds, otters, sloths, frogs, insects, and giant snakes including boa constrictors and anacondas. A popular place to stay in Yasuni Park is Napo Wildlife Center. This lodge offers accommodation and tours to give guests a deep insight into the culture of the Amazon. All profits of Napo Wildlife Center go to the local community. Parque Nacional Yasuni is located in the ancestral territory of the Huaorani indigenous people. Therefore really is a unique culture and lifestyle to this Amazonian community. Travelers can learn a lot here as well as explore the

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