Lady Oracle By Margaret Atwood Analysis

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Imagine we travel through time, where gender equality did not exist or maybe they didn't apply it. How hard it was for woman to survive in an environment were a man controls everything? If you are a man, I invite you to change of shoes and take the position of a woman. Would you be that woman? Who endure any humiliation? I hope your answer is NO. Nowadays we are still having problem of gender equality, sadly I am not a super hero who can go and change this problem, but I will incite you to continue reading, so maybe at the end you will have a better idea of why we should counter the problem of female equality. Base on my experience as a female, I understand that for many women the simple act of showing to the world, who are they, is complicated. Maybe they are scared to break stupid social norms, which I consider garbage. Perhaps, they feel oppression from men in certain form. Do not miss the man who wants to take advantage of women, just because he considered "weak". I remember once I had the opportunity to visit a government office, as I am a very observant person I could easily relate that the women working in that place do not have the same privileges as men. It's ironic, because we assume that the government is “responsible” for enforcing gender equality between men and women, but unfortunately in my country it is not.…show more content…
Therefore, the author presents us the position of women in an authoritarian male society. It should be noted, that the novel discusses how the ladies needed to follow certain rules, for example the role of the women in the home or the women image. Among all these situations, the protagonist starts looking for her true

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