Treaty Of Madrid Analysis

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The mission system stretched from Georgia west to California and south down to South America. The Treaty of Madrid was a border agreement between Portugal and Spain along the Uruguay River, allotting Brazil to Portugal. The Mission film begins in 1758, eight years after the Treaty of Madrid. The Guarani lived in the South American jungle before the Spanish established missions, notably San Miguel and San Carlos. Though illegal to do so, Don Cabeza dealt with the slaves brought to Asuncion, Paraguay. Mendoza displayed machismo after his became a cuckold, murdering his bother for sleeping with his wife. He was a mercenary and slave trader who captured natives to sell to Don Cabeza for a profit. For his punishment he accompanies the Jesuits on…show more content…
As Montaigne wrote in his essay on cannibals “Each man calls barbarism whatever is not his own practice.” The natives living in the Amazon rainforest of South America did not build permanent structures but moved nomadically, hunting and gathering whatever they may find. Their beliefs in a great god, capable of no evil and other magical convictions united them as a people. So when the Europeans arrived they saw the Guarani as a source of slave labor to grow crops sold to manufacture processed goods in Europe. In the Amazon Rainforest, the Guarani lived in a community similar to other Native American tribes. They shared the land and the abundant resources of the rainforest. Therefore, they could not comprehend capitalism in its never ending greed for more. Everyone in their community deeply respected the earth and only took what was necessary for their survival. Initially the pursuit was for gold but after realizing the El Dorado myth was not true, Europeans improvised with whatever resources they could find. At first the Guarani were perceived as childlike and innocent but later proved to be

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