Mandarine Koueider
Business and Management Internal Assessment (HL)
To what extent can Mandarine Koueider retain its employees in its Emerald Mall branch and improve motivation?
Ida Ramzy
I would like to thank the CEO of Mandarine Koueider, Omar Koueider and the Human Resources management team of Mandarine Koueider for their constant dedication to the project and for their assistance in collecting my primary resource.
I would love to also thank the hard-working employees of Mandarine Koueider’s Emerald Mall branch for taking part in this project and helping me complete my questioners.
Finally, I would love to thank my friend, Danya Koueider who was with me the whole time during the project and helping me collect…show more content… In 1928, he opened in Cairo, Egypt where he succeeded greatly. The tradition was passed on among the family and many new branches today open around Cairo. The latest branch was opened in Emerald Mall, Katameya. It has employees from several areas around Cairo and aims to minimize labor costs while maximizing productivity, by a series of different HR strategies. Mandarine Koueider’s Emerald Mall branch currently holds 20 employees working day and night struggling to work with motivation and actually staying. Therefore, a variety of HR strategies are needed to achieve the company’s aim which will be obtained by using communication, leadership, and motivation skills.
Research Question:
To what extent can Mandarine Koueider retain its employees in its Emerald Mall branch and improve motivation?…show more content… Physiological needs are the needs that must be met for people to survive. Safety needs refer to the desires necessary to make people feel safe and stable. Love and Belonging needs refer to the human need to be accepted as part of a friendship group or family. Esteem needs refer to the desires for recognition and self-respect. Finally, self actualization needs is the highest level n the hierarchy and it refers to the forces that drive people to become the best that they can